Here is the deal: You just moved into a new home and your wife said you can do whatever you want today after you have all of the locks changed. Well, you’re a smart type of fellow who calls your Nashua locksmith and in a very short period of time, all of the locks were changed out and you are now free to do what you desire for the rest of the day.

The only problem is that since the locksmith got there so quickly and got the job done in a timely manner, you have the whole day to kill and you don’t know what you want to do.

We can help. If you have the whole day to kill but can’t figure out what to do, here are a few ideas that you might want to try.

Create a Paint-By-Numbers Masterpiece

Go to your local toy store or art store and buy yourself a paint-by-numbers kit. When you get back home, brew yourself a cup of coffee or tea and settle in for what will be hours of sheer enjoyment as you paint your masterpiece. You can choose to paint a wizard, a dragon or perhaps you are into still life pieces and prefer painting fruit of flowers. Either way, when you are finished, head to the hardware store or hobby store and get the material you need to build a really cool frame for your artwork.

Finish off this project by mounting your masterpiece on a wall where everybody who walks into your home will see it.

Send Postcards or Letters

You have some free time, so use it wisely. Take the time to sit down and write a short message on a postcard and send it to a friend. In fact, buy several postcards and send lovely messages to all of your friends and family as well.

This will mean spending money on postcards and stamps, and thinking about nice things to say, but it will be well worth the effort in the end.

Plant an Herb Garden in the Kitchen

Grab a few Mason jars and some herb seeds and plant yourself an herb garden. In a few months, you will have all of the fresh oregano, basil and thyme you need to spice up your homemade spaghetti sauce.

Bake Something New

Find a recipe for something you have always wanted to eat, but, quite frankly, you were too afraid, like spanikopita for example. Go to the store and get what you need and bake that something special right up. And if you still can’t find the courage to eat it, find somebody in your family who will.

Find a New Baking Show

If you are tired of the same goods being baked on the baking show you are currently watching, change things up a bit. Navigate your way through your cable provider and find The Great British Baking Show where contestants spent their weekend baking all sorts of goodies including scones, custard tarts and Yorkshire pudding.